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Sara Rivard, M.A., RT(R) (CT)

Sara Rivard Headshot

Title: Director, Special Instructor - Radiologic Technology
Office:  3166 Human Health Building
Phone:  (248) 364-8780
Fax: (248) 364-8657
E-mail: sararivard@oakland.edu

Educational Background: 
M.A., Education, Central Michigan University
B.A.S., Healthcare Management, Siena Heights University

Certificate, Radiologic Technology, William Beaumont Hospital School of Radiologic Technology

Teaching Interests: 
Radiographic Procedures

Patient Care in Radiology
Image Evaluation

Professional Affiliations: 
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Michigan Society of Radiologic Technologists
Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences

Personal Interests: 
Reading, traveling, spending time with family